Girls as young as five now routinely worry about their weight and appearance while more than half the entire UK population is grappling with mental and physical problems relating to negative body image, according to a parliamentary report published on Wednesday.
The pressure to achieve an unrealistic "body ideal" is now an underlying cause of serious health and relationship problems, according to a study from the all-party parliamentary group on body image. This pressure is "damaging society" by wreaking havoc with self-esteem and affecting progress at school and work.
The issue is no longer determined by gender, with body image now a major concern for boys and men as well as girls and women, the report concludes. Half of girls and a third of boys aged 14 have been on a diet to change their body shape, the document said, with youngsters exhibiting their parents’ own anxieties.
The 80-page report was drawn up by MPs and Central YMCA, the world’s biggest young people’s charity, after a three-month public inquiry during which hundreds of witnesses made submissions.